The Law of the Lid: Becoming a Successful Leader
New Knowledge
Last Friday, I attended a leadership coaching session with Richelle Nitelet, the Business Development Director at Illuminate Universe. Through this coaching call, I was able to dive further into who I am as a leader, and look into my strengths and weaknesses using John C. Maxwell’s “Law of the Lid”. The "Law of the Lid" explains that while someone can be effective and competent as an employee, the ability to act as a leader raises that potential一 this is the "lid" John C. Maxwell refers to. Upon determining the lid number on my leadership, I analyzed the 21 irrefutable laws of leadership thoroughly to understand both the characteristics and myself as a leader. Surprisingly, after looking deeper into the 21 laws, I realized that there were qualities that I am unfamiliar with, such as servanthood and discernment. It was interesting to learn about these new qualities, as well as define known ones clearer because I now know how to self-evaluate myself. Overall, the discussions, lessons, and activity from this coaching call really expanded my perspective of leadership and allowed me to understand myself better.
Learning Reflection
As a regional lead for Illuminate Universe, I am in the process of planning for my regional conference. Planning for my conference has definitely raised my lid because it taught me to acknowledge my potential, as well as consider the aspects I need to work on. I have challenged and improved in various qualities such as communication, time management, responsibility, positive attitude, commitment and many more! For example, prior to planning my regional conference, I had a lot of time to spare. However, with my regional lead responsibilities, a lot of time is used in this commitment which challenged me to manage my time more efficiently, raising my “lid”. I had to go above and beyond the plan my day in order to meet my deadlines so that I accomplish my goals. For the past few months, I believe that I was able to significantly work on the 21 qualities, raising my lid each day. This leadership opportunity tested me on the 21 indispensable qualities of a leader, predominantly maximizing the traits I possess and changing my perception on leadership. I had always thought that leadership was where a person was confident in everything they did and took charge all the time. However, I now understand that leadership is beyond that and more so determines one’s potential. A good leader does not need to demonstrate all 21 qualities, but rather understand and know how to work on the 21 qualities.
Developing My Future
The knowledge I gained through discussing the “Law of the Lid” with Richelle and my team, as well as planning a conference will benefit and guide me through my future development because I am now aware of the 21 key qualities that will bring me success in leadership. There is no doubt that I have weaknesses I can work on; I understand the importance of leadership in one’s success, and I am now able to pin-point my greatest weaknesses that I will put my focus towards. Not only will I continue to focus on improving my weaknesses through areas such as vision, influence, and drive, but I will continue to focus on enhancing my strengths to become a better leader.